Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth Assignment

A symbolism and a metaphor in my book is Invisible Sword. Its not really a sword but the items Scorpia put into the kids will cut them down like an invisible sword. You see Invisible Sword through out the whole book but not until the end do you know what it is and dose.
Another symbolism is the scorpion is the symbol for the mafia group called Scorpia. You see this in plan sight on the book and in.
And I think I know the project of my book. It's to change peoples out look on war and not to let money be the center of everything.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Third Assignment

The book is new not many other books that I have read can expressed the emotion that you can get out of these books. It really tells some what of teens feel in every day life. I love these books. It really made me think of how life can take a turn for the worse so make the most of what you have now.

Second Assignment

1. The main character is Alex Rider. Who he is, is a hurt fourteen year old that is trying to find his way in life. He doesn't know if he wants to be on the good side of the law or the bad. He is sad and lonely in the life he has chosen. The sentence that supports that is..... "Alex felt hatred welling up inside him. It was stronger than anything he had ever felt in his life." It goes to show that Alex's life has been planned for him and he's not liking it.

2. I would have to say that I'm more like Jack Starbright. She an out going American girl that is looking out for Alex after his uncle died. She cars for him a lot and dose what she can to help choose his life and force things upon him. I'm like her in a since that were out going and Love Mini Coopers. I'm not like her because I wouldn't live with someone in a foreign land.

3. What I see as Alex is death, blood, weapons that not many people see in life, life before my eyes. What I hear is guns, yelling, ever day life. What I taste is desperation. I as the character feel like life isn't worth the trouble do what you want and do what you can to stop, help, do what ever is necessary to live.